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Malaysia publishes the Solid Waste Circular Economy Blueprint (2025–2035)

The Circular Economy Blueprint for Solid Waste in Malaysia (2025–2035) was unveiled in August by the Malaysian Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT). This plan provides direction for creating a Circular Economy, with the objective of having a 40% national recycling rate by 2025.

It is structured around five strategic pillars:

  • Targeting product producers, a mandated Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy is the first strategy pillar’s focus on governance and regulation. This strategy, which will be implemented gradually, would mandate that producers gather and recycle elements from their items once customers have used or disposed of them.
  • The second pillar focuses on policies and processes, creating a certification program for firms that reduces waste production and maximizes resource efficiency—zero waste to landfill. The circular economy incentives that a manufacturer is eligible for will also be determined by this certification.
  • Using data systems to gather and evaluate information along the whole waste management value chain is the focus of the third pillar.
  • The creation of facilities like integrated waste management facilities and waste-eco parks is encouraged by the fourth pillar.
  • The fifth pillar entails encouraging the expansion of the solid waste and recycling sectors by providing financial incentives to businesses, introducing a pay-as-you-throw program to promote trash minimization, and funding R&D projects.

According to a KPKT official, the ministry has started looking at possible Circular Economy Acts in order to get ready for the eventual adoption of the circular economy through complete law. This would include laws and rules aimed at encouraging the circular economy.

In order to plan, organize, and promote circular economy projects across Malaysia, the National Circular Economy Association (NCEA), which is driven by the industry, will also be established. To accelerate the transition from a linear to a circular economy in solid waste management, the Cabinet meeting on August 23, 2023 authorized the NCEA’s close collaboration with the Circular Economy Council for Solid Waste (NCEC) at the national level. Every initiative included in the plan will be implemented under the direction of the NCEC.

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