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17,502 Substances Pre-registered under K-REACH


Under K-REACH, pre-registered substances are granted a grace period to manufacture/import chemicals before the corresponding phase-in registration deadline. Corresponding registration deadlines are set as below:

> 1,000 t/y; or designated 364 CMRs above 1t/y: by December 31, 2021

100-1,000 t/y: by December 31, 2024

10-100 t/y: by December 31, 2027

1-10 t/y: by December 31, 2030

As of September 30, 2024, a total of 247,669 pre-registration applications were submitted for 17,502 chemical substances under K-REACH.

On October 15, 2024, South Korea’s Ministry of Environment (MoE) published the updated list of pre-registered substances under K-REACH. As of September 30, 2024, a total of 247,669 pre-registration applications were submitted for 17,502 chemical substances, of which 77 are CMR substances. About 8.86% of the pre-registered substances are manufactured or imported over 1,000 t/y.

3,001 substances were pre-registered with a maximum tonnage band within 100-1,000 t/y, accounting for about 17.1% of the pre-registered substances. They should complete joint registration before the second registration deadline as of December 31, 2024. The MoE urges the stakeholders involved with these substances to join the consortium and speed up the registration work.

For each pre-registered substance, the MoE provides information including:

  • KE number, CAS number, and chemical name
  • Number of applications for pre-registration
  • Maximum tonnage band (1-10 t/y: 6,757 substances; 10-100 t/y: 6,193 substances; 100-1,000 t/y: 3,001 substances; Above 1,000 t/y: 1,551 substances)
  • If it is a CMR substance
  • Does any consumer use apply
  • Hazards information.