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South Korea Updates Chemicals Prohibited and Restricted List

The South Korean Ministry of Environment published Notice No. 2024-612 on September 26, 2024, indicating major changes to the lists of compounds that are banned and forbidden. With consideration for relevant international rules, the changes seek to revise the usage limitations of certain chemicals based on the findings of the hazard assessment conducted under the Chemicals Registration and Evaluation Act.

The particular changes consist of:

  • Previously classified 06-5-7, chrysotile and mixes containing more than 1% of it were removed from the list of restricted compounds and added to the list of prohibited substances under code 06-4-27, which also included mixtures having more than 1% of crocidolite. It is forbidden to produce, import, sell, store, transfer, or consume certain drugs.
  • Code 06-5-8 now prohibits the use of lead and its compounds in paints unless they are explicitly needed for the construction and upkeep of specified military or aviation equipment.
  • Dichloromethane and combinations containing more than 0.1% of it were recently classified as prohibited compounds (code 06-5-15), which forbids their use in paint removers for furniture, construction, and residential applications, as well as in household cleaning sprays and agents.

The Ministry of Environment has started asking people to provide feedback on these changes. Individuals or groups with input are required to provide it to the Ministry by October 16, 2024. The South Korean government’s strict approach to chemical management, which aims to better safeguard environmental safety and public health, is reflected in these modifications.

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