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European Green Deal

What is the Green Deal in the EU?

The European Green Deal is a package of policy initiatives, which aims to set the EU on the path to a green transition, with the ultimate goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2050. It supports the transformation of the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a modern and competitive economy.

Who proposed the European Green Deal?

On 12th December 2019, the European Council, together with the European Commission, established the European Green Deal (EGD).The European Green Deal, approved in 2020, is a set of policy initiatives by the European Commission with the overarching aim of making the European Union (EU) climate neutral in 2050.

What is the purpose of the EU Green Deal?

Making Europe the first climate neutral continent in the world is our goal. These proposals aim to make all sectors of the EU’s economy fit to meet this challenge. The European Green Deal will improve the well-being and health of citizens and future generations by providing fresh air, clean water, healthy soil and biodiversity. renovated, energy efficient buildings. healthy and affordable food.

How many countries are in the European Green Deal?

All 27 EU Member States committed to turning the EU into the first climate neutral continent by 2050. To get there, they pledged to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. This will create new opportunities for innovation and investment and jobs

What are the pillars of the Green Deal?

The European Green Deal set the target for this transformational change

  • Sustainable Transportation
  • The European Commission proposes more important targets for reducing the CO2 emissions of new cars and vans.
  • 55% reduction of emissions from cars by 2030
  • 50% reduction of emissions from vans by 2030
  • 0 emissions from new cars by 2035
  • From 2026, road transport will be covered by emissions trading, putting a price on pollution, stimulating cleaner fuel use, and re-investing in clean technologies. 
  • The Commission is also proposing carbon pricing for the aviation sector, which benefited from an exception until now. It is also proposing to promote sustainable aviation fuels – with an obligation for planes to take on sustainable blended fuels for all departures from EU airports.
  • To ensure a fair contribution from the maritime sector to the effort to decarbonise our economy, the Commission proposes to extend carbon pricing to this sector. The Commission will also set targets for major ports to serve vessels with onshore power, reducing the use of polluting fuels that also harm local air quality.

2)Industrial Revolution

Eu also sets the target to  preserve our climate ambition by avoiding efforts by our industry to cut emissions, even when they are from countries with less strict climate rules, companies importing into the EU have to pay a carbon price as well.

3)Clean Energy

The binding target of renewable sources in the EU’s energy mix to 40%. The proposals promote the uptake of renewable fuels, such as hydrogen in industry and transport, with additional targets.

  • 40% new renewable energy target for 2030
  • 36-39% new 2030 energy efficiency targets for final and primary energy consumption

4)Renovating buildings for greener lifestyles

The new Social Climate Fund will support EU citizens most affected or at risk of energy or mobility poverty. It will help mitigate the costs for those most exposed to changes, to ensure that the transition is fair and leaves no one behind.

5)Working with nature to protect our planet and health

The Commission proposes therefore to restore Europe’s forests, soils, wetlands and peatlands. This will increase absorption of CO2 and will make our environment more resilient to climate change.

A circular and sustainable management of these resources will

  • improve our living conditions
  • maintain a healthy environment
  • create quality jobs
  • provide sustainable energy resources

What are the EU Green Deal recycling targets?

The consequences range from high CO2 emissions to pollution of the oceans. To counteract this, the European Union plans to reduce the landfilling of plastic waste as part of its Green Deal. By 2030, 55 percent of plastic packaging waste is to be recycled.

What are the main elements of the EU Green Deal ?

Main Elements of EU Green Deal

  1. Climate action.
  2. Clean energy. 
  3. Sustainable industry.
  4. Buildings and renovations.
  5. Sustainable mobility. 
  6. Eliminating pollution. 
  7. Farm to Fork. 
  8. Preserving biodiversity. 
  9. Research and development. 
  10. Preventing unfair competition from carbon leakage.

The benefits of the European Green Deal

The European Green Deal will improve the well-being and health of citizens and future generations by providing:

  • fresh air, clean water, healthy soil and biodiversity
  • renovated, energy efficient buildings
  • healthy and affordable food
  • more public transport
  • cleaner energy and cutting-edge clean technological innovation
  • longer lasting products that can be repaired, recycled and reused
  • future-proof jobs and skills training for the transition
  • globally competitive and resilient industry


Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring:

  • No net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050